Movies by Year: 1995
Results marked with a * have user comments.
- Black Cat, The
- Burial of the Rats

- Castle Freak
- Cenerentola, La
, operatic - Christmas Carol, A
- Cinderellamade for video,

- Cinderellamade for video,

- Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The (November 3, )

- Ebbie

- Girl Who Cried Monster, The (November 10, )

- Harrison Bergeron

- Haunted Mask, The (October 27, )

- Haunting of Helen Walker, The

- Hideaway
- Johnny and the DeadTV series
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Kid in King Arthur's Court, A
- Kôkaku kidôtai

- Langoliers, The

- Mangler, The
- Phantom of the Auditorium (December 1, )

- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (December 8, )

- Rapunzel

- Return of the Mummy (December 22, )

- Rumpelstiltskin
- Screamers
- The Adventures of Mole
- Village of the Damned
- Welcome to Camp Nightmare (November 17/24, )

- Wind in the Willows, The
- Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A
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