Movies by Year: 1997
Results marked with a * have user comments.
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

- Barking Ghost, The (October 11, )

- Blob That Ate Everyone, The (July 19, )

- Bram Stoker's Shadowbuilder
- Calling All Creeps (February 15, )

- Canterville Ghost, The

- Christmas Carol, A

- Cinderella
- Cinderellamade for video,

- Click (September 27, )

- ConanTV series
- Contact *
- Crayola Kids Adventures: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
, made for video - Crayola Kids Adventures: Gulliver's Travelsmade for video
- Don't Go to Sleep (September 20, )

- Don't Wake Mummy (July 12, )

- Gulliver's Travels
- Haunted House Game, The (November 8, )

- House of No Return, The (September 13, )

- How to Kill a Monster (February 1, )

- I Know What You Did Last Summer
- Intensity

- Killing Mr. Griffin

- Kull the Conqueror
- Legend of the Mummy
- Lost World: Jurassic Park, The
- Ms. Scrooge

- My Best Friend Is Invisible (September 8, )

- Night Flier
- Night of the Living Dummy III (July 20, )

- Odyssey, The

- Old Story, An (October 4, )

- One Day at Horrorland (October 25/November 1, )

- Perfect School (November 15, )

- Postman, The
- Rebecca

- Shining, Theminiseries
- Shocker on Shock Street (September 6, )

- Starship Troopers
- Trucks

- Welcome to Dead House (June 29, )

- Werewolf Skin (November 22, )

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