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Page 3 of 6, showing 20 record(s) out of 111 total

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  1. Little Mermaid, The (1989) animated
  2. Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli (1989) animated, TV series
  3. Akira (1988) animated
  4. Cinderella (May, 1988) made for TV, animated
  5. Wind in the Willows, The (1987) animated, made for TV
  6. Little Mermaid, The (1987) animated
  7. Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The (1987) animated, made for video
  8. Ozma of Oz (1987) animated, made for video
  9. Marvelous Land of Oz, The (1987) animated, made for video
  10. Emerald City of Oz, The (1987) animated, made for video
  11. Ozma of Oz (1987) animated
  12. When the Wind Blows (1986) animated *
  13. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985) animated
  14. Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (1985) animated
  15. Black Cauldron, The (1985) animated
  16. Rumpelstiltskin (1985) animated
  17. SF Shinseiki Lensman (1984) animated
  18. Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) animated
  19. Wind in the Willows, The (1983) animated, made for TV
  20. Aladdin & His Magic Lamp (1983) animated

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