Movies by Year: 1986
Results marked with a * have user comments.
- Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp (July 14, )

- Biggles: Adventures in Time
- Button, Button (March 7, )

- Canterville Ghost, The

- Cendrillonballet
- Clan of the Cave Bear, The
- Dead Run (February 21, )

- Deadly Friend
- Devil's Alphabet (March 28, )

- Fly, The
- From Beyond
- Gramma (February 14, )

- Last Defender of Camelot, The (April 11, )

- Lost and Found (October 18, )

- Manhunter
- Matter of Minutes, A (January 24, )

- Maximum Overdrive
- Misfortune Cookie, The (January 3, )

- Nightshift Collection
- Rawhead Rex
- Saucer of Loneliness, A (September 27, )

- Superfantagenio
- To See the Invisible Man (January 31, )

- Voyage dans la lune, Le

- When the Wind Blows
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