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  1. Aladdin (1975) miniseries
  2. Around the World in 80 Days (1989) miniseries
  3. Children of Dune (2003) miniseries
  4. Dune (2000) miniseries
  5. Gift, The (1990) miniseries
  6. Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The (1981) miniseries
  7. Legend of Earthsea (2004) miniseries
  8. Martian Chronicles, The (1980) miniseries
  9. Mists of Avalon, The (2001) miniseries
  10. Salem's Lot (2004) miniseries
  11. Shining, The (1997) miniseries
  12. Stand, The (1994) miniseries
  13. The Dark Secret of Harvest Home (1978) miniseries
  14. Wrinkle in Time, A (2003) miniseries

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