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Page 2 of 6, showing 20 record(s) out of 111 total

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  1. Kôkaku kidôtai (1995) animated
  2. Grendel Grendel Grendel (1981) animated
  3. Gulliver's Travels (1939) animated
  4. Gulliver's Travels (1979) animated
  5. Hobbit, The (1977) animated, made for TV
  6. James and the Giant Peach (1996) animated/stop-motion
  7. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1977) animated, made for TV
  8. Jungle Book, The (1967) animated
  9. Last Unicorn, The (1982) animated
  10. SF Shinseiki Lensman (1984) animated
  11. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The (1979) animated, made for TV
  12. Little Mermaid, The (1974) animated
  13. Little Mermaid, The (1979) animated
  14. Little Mermaid, The (1987) animated
  15. Little Mermaid, The (1989) animated
  16. Lord of the Rings, The (1978) animated
  17. Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) animated
  18. Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962) animated, made for TV
  19. Mysterious Island (1975) animated, made for TV
  20. Ozma of Oz (1987) animated

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